Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1,2007

So Al Gore made the Hollywood gift list. Interesting ... Wonder if it will have the same effect as it had on Mike Moore. What a way to shut a guy up. Just give him a gold plated statue of a ?. Also in the news ... scientists discover new life species under the south pole ice cap ... thanks to the wonderful folks in the US for melting all that ice that has hiding the beasties. Wonder where they will call home now. Also in the news ... the Greens had reached the same level of public support as the
NDP. About time to refocus priorities. And yes it hailed and blew like stick in the Bahamas as a major series of thunderstorms went through. They had never seen hail in the Bahamas until now. For some reason the US folks here are not able to understand that global warming is becoming a very real issue. They keep blaming Canada and Siberia for the rotten weather. I'm in shorts but I can't get a good nights sleep because of the high winds and being on anchor watch every night. I wonder if it worth
the tradeoff. brian

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