Monday, January 15, 2007

Rant update

In yesterdays rant I singled out NOAA as a bad actor. Here is an example
of what they can influence with incorrect data. Their forecast for
Tuesday included a gale warning from the North. So being cautious we
decided not to venture forth into the Gulf Stream crossing staging
anchorage today. At 1800 today the forecast not only didn't mention the
gale but forecast perfect crossing conditions. In addition they are
forecasting that the rest of the week will not be pleasant for a Gulf
Stream crossing due to strengthening northerly winds. So ... I should
have ignored the gale warnings and gone to the staging area with the
full understanding that whatever NOAA says is totally incorrect. I plan
on monitoring forecast and actual conditions for the next week to see
how bad the forecasters really are. I guess experience equates to how
many grains of salt you can put to the recommendations of the "experts".
BTW ... what is behind the increased US hysteria toward IRAN? Does Bush
really want Armageddon as his legacy?

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